Note: This project was built a loonnng time ago (I was 12).

I rediscovered some old projects recently, and SearchEd was one of them. Despite sounding like it should be a search engine, it is in fact a very simple web browser.

I don’t have the original project files, just the installable package, so I can’t say for certain exactly how it originally worked. It doesn’t appear to support Javascript, and to actually navigate to a site you must perfectly enter the URL into the “search bar” and click Go! (pressing Enter does nothing).

Screenshot of SearchEd program.

Amazingly, at the time of writing I am able to install and run it on Windows 11.

It is able to open websites including this one and the homepage of Google, but it appears to not really support CSS that well, (or maybe just CSS3?), and the lack of a back button is horrific.

Screenshot of SearchEd program, browsing

It also works as a file browser for your local files, the manner of which makes me believe that it basically is just File Explorer embedded in.

Screenshot of SearchEd program, browsing local files.

As far as I can recall, SearchEd is the very first piece of software I ever made. I imagine the total amount of actual code I wrote for this was maybe only a couple of lines, (if any) but seeing something I had put together become a program that you could install and run must have got me hooked on development.